
  1. 引言
    本網站(以下簡稱「本網站」)由湯臣國際娛樂有限公司(以下簡稱「湯臣娛樂」)所 管理。湯臣娛樂乃一家在香港特別行政區(以下簡稱「香港」)註冊成立的公司,其 註冊辦事處在香港干諾道中111號永安中心15樓1501-2及1507-12室。 閣下使用本網站須受在本文件內列明的條款及條件以及在本網站列載的私隱政策( 以下合稱「本條款及條件」)的規限。本條款及條件構成閣下與湯臣娛樂之間有關 閣下使用本網站的一份具法律約束力的協議。閣下抽空細閱本條款及條件至為重
  2. 接受本條款及條件
    為使用本網站,閣下必須首先同意本條款及條件。如果閣下不接受本條款及條件 ,閣下不可使用本網站。閣下可藉點擊接受本條款及條件(若湯臣娛樂在本網站內 向閣下提供此選項時),以示接受本條款及條件。此外,若閣下實際上使用本網站 ,閣下亦被當作已接受本條款及條件。在此情況下,閣下明白及同意,湯臣娛樂 從當時起,會將閣下使用本網站視作閣下接受本條款及條件處理。 在以下情況下,閣下不可使用本網站及不可接受本條款及條件,如果 (a) 閣下因未 滿18歲而不能與湯臣娛樂訂立具約束力的合約或 (b) 根據香港法律,閣下屬被禁 止使用本網站的人士。
  3. 使用本網站
    閣下可接達及使用本網站僅作閣下的個人及非商業用途。閣下同意使用本網站僅 作 (a) 本條款及條件以及 (b) 香港的任何適用法律、規則及規例所准許的用途。閣 下同意閣下不會使用蜘蛛(spiders)、機械人(robots)或其他自動數據挖掘 (automated data mining)技術,以編目、下載、儲存或以其他方式複製或分發在 本網站上提供的內容。閣下同意閣下不會參與干預或干擾本網站的任何活動。閣 下同意閣下不會複製、重複、抄錄/複印在本網站上的任何內容,或以該等內容製 造衍生作品、出售、買賣或轉售該等內容。

    閣下同意,對於閣下違反在本條款及條件項下的責任及任何上述違反或任何行為 的後果(包括湯臣娛樂可能蒙受的任何損失或損害),閣下須負全責,以及就該等違 反而言,湯臣娛樂對閣下或對任何第三方並無任何責任或法律責任。

    湯臣娛樂可不時更新本網站,以為其使用者提供最佳體驗。閣下確認知悉及同意 ,本網站的內容及形式可不時更改,無須事先通知閣下。閣下亦確認知悉及同意, 湯臣娛樂可全權酌情決定,停止向閣下提供本網站的任何功能,無須事先通知閣 下。
  4. 私隱及閣下的個人資料
    為接達本網站的若干功能,閣下可能須要提供關於閣下本身的資料。閣下同意閣 下給予湯臣娛樂的任何資料將經常屬準確、正確及符合現況的。

    閣下同意閱讀且閣下接受在本網站列載的私隱政策內有關湯臣娛樂對本網站的資 料保障慣例的資料,閣下同意按照湯臣娛樂的私隱政策對閣下資料的使用。
  5. 專有權利
    閣下確認知悉及同意,湯臣娛樂擁有本網站的一切法定權利、所有權及權益,包 括但不限於在本網站的任何內容存有的任何知識產權權利,該等內容包括但不限 於所有商標、商用名稱、版權作品、發明、設計(不論是否已註冊)。除在本條款及 條件所明確准許的情況外,閣下不應修改、抄錄/複印、複製本網站的任何內容, 以該等內容製造衍生作品,重新刊載、展示、上載、張貼、傳送、分發或以任何其 他方式使用該等內容。
  6. 法律責任的限制
    湯臣娛樂並不向閣下作出陳述或保證閣下將會在無中斷、及時、穩妥或不存在錯 誤的情況下使用本網站,以及閣下從本網站所取得的任何資料將屬準確或可靠。 從本網站所下載或以其他方式所取得的任何材料,均是在閣下自行承擔風險下作 出的,以及對於因下載任何該等材料而引致閣下的電腦系統或其他裝置的任何損 害或資料遺失,閣下將會自行負全責。湯臣娛樂亦明確聲明不承擔有關任何種類 的陳述、保證及條件的責任,不論是明示或默示的,包括但不限於不侵權的默示 保證及條件,以及閣下同意,湯臣娛樂無須對閣下負上屬任何種類或性質的任何 法律責任,包括但不限於因任何失實陳述、疏忽或欺詐引致的法律責任。

    閣下明確了解及同意,湯臣娛樂應無須就下列各項而對閣下負上法律責任:(a) 閣 下可能招致的任何直接、間接、附帶、特殊、相應而生或懲戒性的損害賠償,不 論是如何引致及根據任何法律責任的理論。這應包括但不限於任何利潤損失(不論 是直接或間接產生的)、任何商譽或業務聲譽損失、任何數據損失或其他無形損失 ;或 (b) 閣下可能招致的任何損失或損害,包括但不限於因閣下依據本網站的任何 內容;本網站的任何變更,或本網站任何功能的永久或暫時停止而引致的損失或 損害。

    儘管有上述規定,本條款及條件的任何條文不應排除或限制根據香港法律不可合 法地排除或限制的湯臣娛樂對於損失的保證或法律責任,包括但不限於對於因湯 臣娛樂疏忽而引致死亡或人身損害的法律責任。湯臣娛樂的法律責任將僅限於香 港法律所准許的最大程度/範圍。
  7. 第三方材料
    本網站可包括連結至其他網站或內容或資源的超連結。湯臣娛樂對此等第三方網 站並無控制權。閣下確認知悉及同意,對於任何該等外部網站的可提供情況、內 容或者任何作為或不作為,湯臣娛樂概不負責,以及湯臣娛樂並不就在該等網站 上的或由該等網站提供的任何材料作出認可/保證。閣下確認知悉及同意,對於因 此等外部網站的可提供情況,或閣下依據在該等網站上的或由該等網站提供的任 何材料的完整性、準確性或存在而引致閣下可能招致的任何損失或損害,湯臣娛 樂概不負上任何法律責任。
  8. 對本條款及條件的更改
    湯臣娛樂可不時更改本條款及條件。在作出此等更改時,湯臣娛樂將在此網頁提 供本條款及條件的新文本。閣下明白及同意,如果閣下在本條款及條件已被更改 的日期之後使用本網站,閣下的使用即被當作閣下接受經更新的本條款及條件。
  9. 終止
    1. 閣下違反本條款及條件的任何條文或任何適用法律或第三方權利(或閣下的行 事方式清楚顯示閣下無意或無法遵守本條款及條件的條文、任何適用法律或 第三方權利);或
    2. 法律規定湯臣娛樂終止該協議;或
    3. 湯臣娛樂認為本網站的維持或運作在商業上不再可行。
  10. 全部協議
    本條款及條件構成閣下與湯臣娛樂之間的全部法定協議,且管制閣下使用本網站 ,以及完全取代閣下與湯臣娛樂之間就本網站所訂立的任何先前的協議、陳述、 保證或諒解,不論是口頭或書面的。
  11. 可分割性
    如果任何對此事宜的決定具司法管轄權的法院裁定本條款及條件的任何條文無效 ,則該條文將當作可與本條款及條件分割並從本條款及條件刪除,而不影響本條 款及條件的其餘條文。本條款及條件的其餘條文將繼續有效及可強制執行。
  12. 司法管轄權
    本條款及條件應受香港法律管轄。閣下與湯臣娛樂同意接受香港法院的非專屬司 法管轄權管轄,以解決本條款及條件引起的任何法律事宜。
日期: 2016年3月1日

Terms and Conditions

  1. Introduction
    This website (the “Site”) is maintained by Tomson International Entertainment Company Limited (referred to below as “Tomson Entertainment”), a company incorporated in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”) with its registered office at Rooms 1501-2 & 1507-12, 15/F., Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong.

    Your use of the Site is subject to the terms and conditions set out in this document and the Privacy Policy set out in the Site (collectively referred to below as “Terms and Conditions”). The Terms and Conditions form a legally binding agreement between you and Tomson Entertainment in relation to your use of the Site. It is important that you take the time to review the Terms and Conditions carefully.
  2. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions
    In order to use the Site, you must first agree to the Terms and Conditions. You may not use the Site if you do not accept the Terms and Conditions. You can accept the Terms and Conditions by clicking to accept the Terms and Conditions, where this option is made available to you by Tomson Entertainment in the Site. Alternatively, you are deemed to have accepted the Terms and Conditions by actually using the Site. In this case, you understand and agree that Tomson Entertainment will treat your use of the Site as acceptance of the Terms and Conditions from that point onwards.

    You may not use the Site and may not accept the Terms and Conditions if (a) you are not of the age of 18 to form a binding contract with Tomson Entertainment or (b) you are a person barred from using the Site under the laws of Hong Kong.
  3. Use of the Site
    You may access and use the Site solely for your personal and non-commercial use. You agree to use the Site only for purposes that are permitted by (a) the Terms and Conditions and (b) any applicable laws, rules and regulations in Hong Kong. You agree that you will not use spiders, robots, or other automated data mining techniques to catalogue, download, store, or otherwise reproduce or distribute content available on the Site. You agree that you will not engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the Site. You agree that you will not reproduce, duplicate, copy, create derivative works from, sell, trade or resell any content on the Site. You agree that you are solely responsible for any breach of your obligations under the Terms and Conditions and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Tomson Entertainment may suffer) of any such breach or any acts, and Tomson Entertainment has no responsibility or liability to you or to any third party for such breach. Tomson Entertainment may update the Site from time to time in order to provide the best experience for its users. You acknowledge and agree that the contents and form of the Site may change from time to time without prior notice to you. You also acknowledge and agree that Tomson Entertainment may stop providing any features of the Site to you at Tomson Entertainment’s sole discretion, without prior notice to you.
  4. Privacy and Your Personal Information
    In order to access certain features of the Site, you may be required to provide information about yourself. You agree that any information you give to Tomson Entertainment will always be accurate, correct and up to date.

    You agree to read and you accept the Privacy Policy set out in the Site for information about Tomson Entertainment’s data protection practices for the Site. You agree to the use of your data in accordance with Tomson Entertainment’s privacy policy.
  5. Proprietary Rights
    You acknowledge and agree that Tomson Entertainment owns all legal right, title and interest in the Site, including without limitation any intellectual property rights which subsist in any content of the Site, including without limitation all trade marks, trade names, copyright works, inventions, designs (whether registered or not). You shall not modify, copy, reproduce, create derivative works from, republish, display, upload, post, transmit, distribute or in any other way use any content of the Site except as specifically permitted in the Terms and Conditions.
  6. Limitation of Liability
    Tomson Entertainment does not represent or warrant to you that your use of the Site will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or free from error, and any information you obtain from the Site will be accurate or reliable. Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained from the Site is done at your own risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or other device or loss of data that results from the download of any such material. Tomson Entertainment also expressly disclaims all representations, warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties and conditions of non-infringement and you agree that Tomson Entertainment shall not have any liability towards you of any kind or nature including without limitation arising from any misrepresentation, negligence or fraud.

    You expressly understand and agree that Tomson Entertainment shall not be liable to you for (a) any direct, indirect, incidental, special consequential or exemplary damages which may be incurred by you, however caused and under any theory of liability. This shall include, but not be limited to, any loss of profit (whether incurred directly or indirectly), any loss of goodwill or business reputation, any loss of data or other intangible loss; or (b) any loss or damage which may be incurred by you, including but not limited to loss or damage as a result of any reliance by you on any content of the Site; any changes to the Site or any permanent or temporary cessation of any features of the Site.

    Notwithstanding the above, nothing in the Terms and Conditions shall exclude or limit Tomson Entertainment’s warranty or liability for losses which may not be lawfully excluded or limited under Hong Kong laws, including without limitation liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence of Tomson Entertainment. Tomson Entertainment’s liability will be limited to the maximum extent permitted by the laws of Hong Kong only.
  7. Third Party Materials
    The Site may include hyperlinks to other web sites or content or resources. Tomson Entertainment has no control over these third party sites. You acknowledge and agree that Tomson Entertainment is not responsible for the availability, contents or any acts or omissions of any such external sites, and does not endorse any materials on or available from such sites. You acknowledge and agree that Tomson Entertainment is not liable for any loss or damage which may be incurred by you resulting from the availability of those external sites, or your reliance on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any materials on, or available from, such sites.
  8. Changes to the Terms and Conditions
    Tomson Entertainment may change the Terms and Conditions from time to time. When these changes are made, Tomson Entertainment will make a new copy of the Terms and Conditions available at this page. You understand and agree that if you use the Site after the date on which the Terms and Conditions have changed, your use is deemed to be acceptance of the updated Terms and Conditions.
  9. Termination
    The Terms and Conditions will continue to apply until terminated by Tomson Entertainment.

    Tomson Entertainment may at any time, terminate its legal agreement with you if:
    1. you have breached any provision of the Terms and Conditions or any applicable laws or third party rights (or have acted in manner which clearly shows that you do not intend to, or are unable to comply with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions or any applicable laws or third party rights); or
    2. Tomson Entertainment is required to do so by law; or
    3. the maintenance or operation of the Site is, in Tomson Entertainment’s opinion, no longer commercially viable.
  10. Entire Agreement
    The Terms and Conditions constitute the whole legal agreement between you and Tomson Entertainment and govern your use of the Site, and completely replace any prior agreements, representations, warranties or understanding, whether oral or in writing, between you and Tomson Entertainment in relation to the Site.
  11. Severability
    If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the Terms and Conditions is invalid, then that provision will be deemed severable and omitted from the Terms and Conditions without affecting the rest of it. The remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions will continue to be valid and enforceable.
  12. Jurisdiction
    The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong. You and Tomson Entertainment agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong to resolve any legal matter arising from the Terms and Conditions.
Dated the 1st day of March, 2016